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英文論文名稱:The Narrative Research of Sexual Identity Development and Discrimination of Adolescent Gays When Coming out to Their ...
英文關鍵字:HomosexualAdolescentGayDiscriminationSexual IdentityComing out
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本研究之研究目的在瞭解青少年男同志向同儕出櫃以及性認同形成和面對歧視的歷程。研究參與者為四位認知自己是同志,並有向同儕出櫃之男性。本研究以敘事研究的方式,將研究結果以故事方式呈現,並分析和詮釋四位研究參與者生命故事。 本研究以Cass的六階段性認同形成模式作為研究基礎,分別為(1)認同混淆期、(2)認同對照期、(3)認同容忍期、(4)認同接受期、(5)認同驕傲期(6)認同統整期。 第一位研究參與者在「遇到同類」、「喜歡上男同學」和「被好友發現」的情況下出櫃,以「忍耐」和「增強實力」的方式面對歧視,性認同經歷了「認同接受期」和「認同驕傲期」。 第二位研究參與者是自然而然的直接向同儕出櫃,並且沒有遭遇到任何歧視,性認同經歷了「認同接受期」、「認同驕傲期」和「認同統整期」。 第三位研究參與者在「喜歡上男同學」的情況下出櫃,以「不予理會」和「應該給予教導」的方式面對歧視,性認同經歷了「認同統整期」。 第四位研究參與者自然而然的向同儕出櫃,沒有遭遇到任何歧視,覺得自己會以「以彼之道,還施其身」的方式面對歧視,性認同經歷了「認同統整期」。 縱論之,本研究之研究參與者共經歷了「認同接受期」、「認同驕傲期」和「認同統整期」,四位研究參與者皆有高階段的性認同,他們接觸到歧視的狀況也是偏少或幾近無,可以看出現今青少年看待同志議題已比較寬鬆,有些校園環境能夠包容少數族群的孩子們。研究者期許教育工作者們也要一起努力,消除歧視,讓這些同志青少年能夠在安全的環境下,自由的學習與成長。其他研究發現與建議請參看論文。
The purpose of this research is to explore the “coming out to their peers”, “sexual identity development” and “discrimination” experiences of adolescent gays. The research participants included four males who identified themselves as homosexual and had already come out to their peers. By applying the method of narrative research, this study analyzed and interpreted those four research participants’ stories. This research used six stages of the Cass Model to examine the stories and their development: 1. “Identify Confusion” stage; 2. “Identify Comparison” stage; 3. “Identify Tolerance” stage; 4. “Identify Acceptance” stage; 5. “Identify Pride” stage; and 6. “Identify Synthesis” stage. The first research participant was coming out in situations such as “meet another gay”, “fall in love with classmates” and “was discovered by friends”. He used “tolerance” and “being strong” to confront discrimination. His sexual identity was at “Identify Acceptance” and “Identify Pride” stages. The second research participant was coming out to his peers in a natural way, and he has not confronted any discrimination so far. His sexual identity was at “Identify Acceptance”, “Identify Pride” and “Identify Synthesis” stages. The third research participant was coming out in situations of “fall in love with classmates”, and he used “disregard” and “should teach them” to confront discrimination. His sexual identity was at the stage of “Identify Synthesis”. The fourth research participant was coming out to his peers in a natural way, and he has not confronted any discrimination yet. However, he thinks he might use the way of “fight back” to confront discrimination. His sexual identity was at the stage of “Identify Synthesis”. These four research participants all have experienced stages of “Identify Acceptance”, “Identify Pride” and “Identify Synthesis”. It seems that they also have higher stages of sexual identity and have encountered less discrimination or non- discrimination compared to other related studies. From the findings, we may say that today’s adolescent is more tolerate on gay issues; some campuses can embrace minorities. Educators should work hard to eliminate any discrimination, and let all children grow up and learn freely in a safe place. Other findings and suggestions are stated in the paper.
內容目錄 第一章  緒論................... 1 第一節  研究背景............... 1 第二節  研究動機............... 3 第三節  研究目的............... 7 第四節  研究問題............... 8 第五節  研究範圍與限制............ 9 第六節  名詞釋義............... 9 第二章  文獻探討................. 11 第一節  同志的定義.............. 11 第二節  歧視同志的現象及成因探究........ 13 第三節  同志性認同.............. 22 第四節  出櫃的考量............... 29 第三章  研究方法................. 33 第一節  研究取向與方法............. 33 第二節  研究架構............... 34 第三節  研究參與者............... 35 第四節  研究工具............... 37 第五節  資料整理與分析............ 40 第六節 研究信效度.............. 41 第七節 研究流程............... 43 第八節 研究倫理............... 45 第四章  研究結果分析............... 47 第一節  Jack的故事.............. 47 第二節  口罩的故事.............. 64 第三節  大雄的故事.............. 73 第四節  海豚的故事.............. 89 第五章  綜合討論與建議.............. 100 第一節  綜合討論............... 100 第二節  研究反思............... 108 第三節  研究建議............... 109 參考文獻 ...................... 112 112 附錄 附錄一 訪談大綱 .................. 122 附錄二 研究參與者權益書 .............. 124 表目錄 表3-1 研究參與者資料表................36 表3-2 前導性研究參與者資料表............ 38 表4-1 Jack向同儕出櫃之脈絡對照表...........59 表4-2 口罩向同儕出櫃之脈絡對照表........... 70 表4-3 大雄向同儕出櫃之脈絡對照表........... 86 表4-4 海豚向同儕出櫃之脈絡對照表........... 96 表4-5研究參與者經歷之Cass性認同階段總表....... 99 圖目錄 圖3-1 研究架構圖................... 34 圖3-2 研究流程圖.................. 44
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