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中文論文名稱:跨國企業在國際品牌策略之研究 : 以臺灣自行車領導品牌在國際市場為例
英文論文名稱:A Study on International Brand Strategy of Multinational Corporation: The Case of Taiwan Leading Brand of Bicycle ...
英文關鍵字:multinational corporationinternational brand strategybicycle industry
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本研究主要探討跨國企業(multinational corporation)如何經營跨國品牌策(international brand strategy),從公司內外部研究分析國際品牌策略品牌和品牌操作方式,從文獻上引用推導公司的品牌策略施行研究方法。本研究透過質性研究的文獻探討以及深入訪談的方式,針對主要研究對象自行車產業(bicycle industry)的經理人或是公司行銷部門人員,進一步作深入訪談了解公司完整運作品牌行銷策略過程,從學術上來分析公司經營品牌策略和整體營運績效上達到的目標。 根據本研究結果,本研究之研究架構對其品牌策略皆有相當程度之影響。結論方面本研究根據品牌理論而成的具體做法與實行方向,利用三種方法來建立品牌忠誠度,分別是常會員俱樂部及資料庫行銷,並加入顧客關係管理(CRM)的概念,考量顧客需求,將原先只存在在自行車產品身上的光環及銷售忠實度,也轉換到其公司品牌身上,強化其公司品牌。 未來可運用以下方式來延伸本研究:(1)訪談方式的增加(2)運用較微觀的角度來探討的自行車品牌研究(3)以量化實證方式來驗證品牌策略影響因素對自行車跨國品牌策略之影響。
How does this research main discussion transnational enterprise manage the multi-national brand strategy, from the company exterior research analysis international brand strategy brand and the brand operating mode, quotes the inferential reasoning company from the literature the brand strategy execution research technique. This research penetration nature research literature discussion as well as the thorough way, sells the department personnel in view of the main research object manager perhaps the company, further makes the thorough understanding company integrity operation brand marketing strategy process, from academic comes up the analysis company to manage the goal which the brand strategy and the overall transport business achievements reaches higher authorities. The research literature and in the result obtains several important brands forming process as well as the brand promotion hand of a clock sizing is different can have many influences. According to this finding, research overhead construction this research all has influence the suitable degree to its brand strategy. Conclusion aspect this research the concrete procedure and the implementation direction which becomes according to the brand theory, uses three methods to establish the brand loyalty, respectively is often the member club and the information bank marketing, and joins the customer relates the management (CRM ) the concept, considers the customer demand, originally only will exist on the bicycle product body the corona and sells the loyal solidity, also will transform to its company brand body on, will strengthen its company brand. Below future might utilize the way to extend this research: (1) the way increase (2) utilizes the bicycle brand research which the comparatively microscopic angle discusses (3) by the quantification real diagnosis way to confirm the brand strategy influence factor to influence the bicycle multi-national brand strategy.
中文摘要 ...................... iii 英文摘要 ...................... iv 誌謝辭 ....................... vi 內容目錄 ...................... vii 表目錄........................ ix 圖目錄........................ x 第一章 緒論..................... 1   第一節 研究背景與動機.............. 1   第二節 研究問題與目的.............. 2   第三節 研究流程................. 3 第二章 文獻探討................... 5   第一節 跨國企業................. 5   第二節 品牌策略................. 6   第三節 全球自行車產業概況............ 28 第三章 研究方法................... 44   第一節 研究問題................. 44   第二節 研究架構................. 45   第三節 研究設計................. 47   第四節 資料分析................. 51 第四章 個案研究................... 52   第一節 巨大機械工業股份有限公司 ........ 52   第二節 美利達工業股份有限公司 ......... 60   第三節 愛地雅工業股份有限公司.......... 65   第四節 三家公司國際品牌策略分析......... 72 第五章 結論..................... 82   第一節 研究結論................ 82   第二節 管理實務意涵.............. 89   第三節 研究限制與未來研究........... 90 參考文獻  .................... .93 中文部分..................... 93 英文部分..................... 96
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