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英文論文名稱:A Study on Implementing Procedure of ISO Quality Management System for the Traditional Manufacturing Industries
英文關鍵字:Check-ListISO Quality Management Systemoperation ProcesurePDCA
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中文摘要 ISO 品質管理系統為國際標準組織所制訂世界通用的品質管理標準,雖然已有不少成功驗證之案例,但是對於即將要導入此系統者而言,仍會面臨到條文的認知不足、工作權責之界定、員工不夠熱心等問題,本研究係藉由相關文獻探討及實務案例訪談,經整理分析後找出推動過程中較接近於實務需求之執行步驟,而此執行步驟所依據之來源乃參照戴明博士的”計劃-執行-檢查-行動”PDCA(Plan、Do、Check、Action)管理循環理論而逐項展開作說明,此執行步驟協助解決了傳統製造業所面臨的問題,而以”查檢表”(CHECKLIST)方式查檢案例以達實例驗證之目的,經成功案例實例驗證結果,受查檢三家公司皆一次即成功取得驗證且肯定了在推動過程之執行步驟,顯示此推動過程之執行步驟具有可行性及實務效果,希望藉此執行步驟,使傳統製造業在導入 ISO 品質管理系統推動過程中有所依循,快速達到推動成功的目的。 關鍵字: ISO 品質管理系統,執行步驟,管理循環,查檢表
ABSTRACT ISO Quality Management System was published by the International Organization for Standardization and has been adopted world wide as quality principle. Even through there are numerous successful verification cases, some industries who want to implement this management system is still encountering some problems such as a lack of knowledge of the system clauses, unclear definition of job responsibility, low employee participation and so on. This study aims to map out a standard of operation procedure by compiling literature review and interview with industries The operation procedure will replicate requirements and processes involved for a industry to implement the ISO system. This procedure is based on Mr. Edwards Deming’s management method: Plan, Do, Check and Action (PDCA) and extends from these four steps. We conclude that industries are able to solve the aforesaid problems if they can follow this procedure along with a Check-list which works as a tool that can easily examine application cases on their workability prior to the physical verification. We take three companies as an example, they all fully followed this procedure, passing the certification at one time and attributed the success to this operation procedure. It proves that this operation procedure is highly credible and can create positive results during the introduction and implementation of Quality Management system. This study is attempting to use this operation procedure as a guide to any one traditional manufacturing company who wants to quickly and Successfully implement the referenced management system. Key Words : ISO Quality Management System, operation Procesure, PDCA, Check-List
目 錄 封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書 iii 中文摘要 v ABSTRACT vi 誌 謝 viii 目 錄 ix 圖目錄 xi 表目錄 xii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 2 1.3 研究目的 3 1.4 研究範圍與限制 3 1.5 研究方法與流程 4 第二章 文獻探討 7 2.1 ISO 品質管理系統淵源 7 2.2 影響在導入系統推動過程中之動機因素 8 2.3 在導入系統推動過程中之相關執行步驟探討 18 第三章 導入系統推動過程中之實務分析 38 3.1 實務案例訪談 38 3.2 導入系統推動過程中之執行步驟 56 第四章 成功案例實例驗證 79 第五章 結論與建議 97 參考文獻 99 附錄 105 圖目錄 圖1.1 研究架構圖 6 圖2.1 ISO 9000系列導入導入計劃中列舉計劃方向21 圖2.2 導入ISO 9000系列之程序 24 圖2.3 營造業如何成功導入ISO 9000品保制度 25 圖2.4 建立ISO 9000過程 27 圖2.5 企業組織施行ISO 9000提出九個步驟. 29 圖2.6 ISO 9001落實型的推動模式與步驟 33 圖3.1 推動過程中之執行步驟 62 圖3.2 過程導向品質管理系統的模式 77 表目錄 表2.1 推行前導入ISO 品質管理系統動機分析 8 表2.2 ISO 品質管理系統推動關鍵成功因素收集 18 表2.3 相關執行步驟探討彙整表 34 表3.1 實務案例訪談彙總表 48 表3.2 推動過程中之執行步驟彙整表 56 表4.1 成功案例實例驗證分析表 92
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