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英文論文名稱:A Comparative Study of Dy-Sin-Cang-Jie and Wu-Sia-Mi on Input Performance
英文關鍵字:Keyboard LayoutChinese Character InputWu-Sia-MiTypingDy-Sin-Cang-JieInput Method
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中文輸入是華人應用電腦的基本核心能力,中文輸入績效的 好壞直接關係著中文電腦運用的效率。因此選擇一種輸入績效較 佳的中文輸入法,進而精熟學習,以奠定運用電腦必備的基本技 能就顯得非常重要。 本研究探討目前市面上輸入績效較佳的大新倉頡與嘸蝦米輸 入法,以教育部國語推行委員會「八十四至八十七年字彙表共有 字表」,作為拆解字根之依據,對其鍵盤配置、平均取碼數及輸 入法的選字率,進行理論分析比較。並以受試者問設計進行實 驗,將研究者任教的彰化縣湖西國小四年級十位學生,隨機分派 至大新倉頡輸入法組及嘸蝦米輸入法組,以每日七十五分鐘的時 問進行兩學期的對照實驗,實驗比較兩輸入法之輸入速度及輸入 錯誤率。 研究結果顯示:在理論分析方面,大新倉頡輸入法的鍵盤配 置、平均取碼數及輸入法的選字率皆優於嘸蝦米輸入法。實驗評 估驗證了理論分析的評估結果,在輸入速度方面,大新倉頡輸入 法之輸入速度比嘸蝦米輸入法之輸入速度快(P=0.0079<0.01)。
Chinese Character Input is the basic and important ability to use Chinese Computer. The efficiency of using Chinese computer depends on the performance of Chinese Character Input. Therefore, it is crucial to choose a better-efficient Chinese Character Input system and master it, so that Chinese computer users can lay a solid foundation in using computers. The purpose of this study was to compare the performance of Dy- Sin-Chang-Jie and Wu-Sia-Mi, both of which were Chinese Character Input systems with better efficiency on the market. This study, based on the regulations made by National Languages Committee of the Ministry of Education, made theoretical analysis on keyboard layouts, average number of key strokes and the rate of choosing correct words. By conducting experiments with the between-subjects design, ten students in the fourth grade in an elementary school were divided into two groups at random, and they spent seventy-five minutes per day in two semesters to complete this experiment. The intention of this experiment was to compare the key-in efficiency and typing error rate of these two Chinese Character Input systems. The result of theoretic analysis indicated that the keyboard layout, average number of key strokes, and the rate of choosing correct words of Dy-Sin-Cang-Jie were superior to Wu-Sia-Mi. Moreover, the conclusion of the experiment was in accordance with the theoretic analysis. In the aspect of key-efficiency, Dy-Sin-Cang-Jie was highter than Wu-Sia-Mi (P = 0.0079
封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書.....................................................................iii 中文摘要...................................................................v 英文摘要...................................................................vi 誌謝.......................................................................vii 目錄.......................................................................viii 圖目錄.....................................................................x 表目錄.....................................................................xii 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景..........................................................1 第二節 研究動機..........................................................3 第三節 研究目的..........................................................5 第四節 研究範圍與限制....................................................5 第五節 研究流程..........................................................7 第六節 論文架構..........................................................8 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 國外鍵盤之相關研究................................................9 第二節 國內鍵盤之相關研究................................................15 第三節 鍵盤配置之人因工程原則............................................27 第四節 大新倉頡與無蝦米輸入法............................................28 第三章 研究方法 第一節 理論分析..........................................................47 第二節 實驗設計..........................................................53 第三節 統計分析方法......................................................62 第四章 研究結果 第一節 理論分析..........................................................64 第二節 實驗結果與分析....................................................81 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論..............................................................95 第二節 建議..............................................................96 參考文獻...................................................................98 附錄一.....................................................................102
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