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英文論文名稱:The application of Visual Illusion Principles to building facade design-A case study in Terraced House
英文關鍵字:visual illusionvisual perceptioncontradictory spacefigure-ground illusionarchitecture facade
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Visual illusion (Optical illusion) is a visual deception. It is either a misjudgment by the visual senses or a contradictory appearance. This theory has been applied and widely utilized in various design domains. Therefore, if we can apply this optical illusion theory to architecture and spatial design to create a systematic concept, it will enable a new field of creative design. Chapter Five and Six contain the main points of this design theory. Hope the reader can advance their understanding of the optical illusion theory through this article, and to discover its entertainment and practicality to warrant future academic research discusisons and to implement practical design applications. The main purpose of this article is to explore the inherent reasoning for the illusion and negative space in graphic design, including various categories, forms, methods of creation, and their application to architecture design. The entire article is broken into seven chapters. First chapter: Introduction. Second chapter, describing the phenomena and principles of optical illusion, analyzing the theory of illusion, using empirical studies to explain various theories and influencing factors, and exploring principles of optical illusion and De Stijl architecture using Gestalt psychology. Third chapter, utilizing various research methodologies, including case studies, field surveys and model simulations, conduct research and analysis on spatial appearance on flat graphics as well as contradictory spatial phenomenon. Fourth chapter, architecture and model design case studies, including geometric illusion, spatial illusion, and holistic illusion theories as it relates to the De Stijl. Fifth chapter, specific to the location of the architecture, perform land and geographic survey, with analysis on lifestyle, environment, and various motion visual angles. Sixth chapter, generate methodologies for facade design utilizing illusion theories as discussed in prior chapters. Create a variety of illusion facade using 3D modeling techniques to create a visual reality. Seventh chapter, review and improve this research study, suggest future research directions, and summarizing the above mentioned studies into a consolidated view.
中文摘要 iii
誌謝 vi
目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 研究範圍與限制 1
1.4 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 錯視現象 4
2.1.1 幾何學錯視 4
2.1.2 多義圖形 6
2.1.3 矛盾圖形 8
2.1.4 月之錯視 9
2.1.5 運動錯視 10
2.1.6 主觀性輪廓線 10
2.1.7 深度錯視 11
2.1.8 色彩、明度錯視 11
2.2 錯視的視覺心理 12
2.2.1 過去經驗的影響 13
2.2.2 單純化的視覺傾向 15
2.2.3 形象與背景的反轉 17
2.2.4 「群化」現象 18
2.2.5 距離的知覺 21
2.2.6 脈絡關係 22
2.2.7 知覺恆常性 23
2.3 空間反轉錯視 23
2.3.1 聶卡立方體(Necker Cube) 24
2.3.2 賀林十字架(Hering Cross) 25
2.3.3 馬赫之書(Mach book) 25
2.3.4 施洛德階梯(Schröder Staircase) 26
2.3.5 比歐尼斯立方體(Beaunis Cubes) 27
2.3.6 蒂埃里的透鏡(Thiéry Lens) 28
2.4 荷蘭風格派 29
2.4.1 荷蘭風格派發展史 29
2.4.2 荷蘭風格派知名藝術家及代表作品 30
2.4.3 荷蘭風格派的設計影響 32
第三章 研究方法 33
3.1 案例分析法 33
3.2 田野調查法 33
3.3 模擬(模型分析)法 34
第四章 案例分析 35
4.1 幾何錯視案例 35
4.1.1 Port 1010 35
4.1.2 萊昂音樂廳 Auditorio Ciudad de Leon 37
4.2 空間錯視案例 41
4.2.1 別居.漓想園 41
4.2.2 La Chance 書架-Rocky 42
4.3 綜合錯視案例 42
4.4 荷蘭風格派案例 44
4.4.1 施羅德住宅 Schröder House 44
4.4.2 聯合咖啡館(Café de Unie) 46
第五章 基地分析 50
5.1 土地資訊和生活機能 50
5.2 自然環境分析 51
5.2.1 地形方面: 51
5.2.2 氣候方面: 51
5.2.3 藍綠帶系統 54
5.3 建築立面視覺角度分析 55
第六章 建築立面設計 56
6.1 建築設計原則 56
6.2 平面圖 57
6.3 立面設計 62
6.3.1 立面切割後角度錯視 63
6.3.2 角度與方向錯視的大門 64
6.3.3 深度錯視的窗 65
6.3.4 立方錯視的窗 65
6.3.5 懸浮空中的窗 66
6.3.6 動態摩爾紋格柵 67
6.3.7 正立面3D示意圖 67
6.4 內部空間 69
6.4.1 ROOM A:二樓懸浮於外牆的落地窗 72
6.4.2 ROOM B:四樓單開窗的臥室 73
6.4.3 ROOM C:三樓雙開窗的臥室 73
6.4.4 ROOM D:五樓三開窗的臥室 74
第七章 結論與建議 75
7.1 結論 75
7.2 建議 76
參考文獻 77
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