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英文論文名稱:Study on Spectral Analysis of Blue Light Filtering and Driving Lenses
英文關鍵字:blue light blocking lensdriving lensspectrum
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在電子資訊的時代,人們以行動裝置如手機,平板等等3C產品,來獲得知識及溝通聯絡。然而,長期使用3C產品,對於使用者的眼睛造成相當的負擔。以往的鏡片強調抗紫外線,因紫外線對角膜、水晶體有極大的危害;現在的行動裝置,以發光二極體(light-emitting diode; LED)作為背光源,藍光能量較高,不僅對水晶體及角膜有害,還會傷害到黃斑部,因此抗藍光成為重要的課題。市售的鏡片就以抗藍光鍍膜製作在鏡片上來阻隔部分藍光,降低較高能量的藍光進入眼睛,達到保護眼睛的目的。本論文主要探討市售抗藍光及駕車鏡片的光譜分析研究,利用光譜儀測量在自然光下鏡片對應於可見光波段的透光率、鏡片對420nm及450nm的透光率、阻隔藍光的程度及分析。本研究中所量測的鏡片規格為:折射率(refractive index)為1.6、度數為-2.00D (diopter),共有50片鏡片,且為市面上廣泛使用的鏡片廠牌。實驗中,我們將鏡片標示為A牌、B牌、D牌、E牌、G牌、H牌、L牌、O牌、P牌、S牌、Y牌、Z牌等共12種廠牌。在進行市售的鏡片光譜分析中發現,A牌鏡片(A-8)在420nm以及在450nm阻隔率分別為 40%及6%。E牌鏡片(E-8)在420nm及450nm的阻隔率分別為51%及37%。L牌(L-11)駕車鏡片在420nm及450nm的阻隔率為58%及16%。由以上的結果顯示,不同廠牌依其功能性在420nm與450nm的阻隔率皆有不同的表現。本研究藉由量測與分析市售鏡片的光譜,讓消費者在選擇需求性鏡片時,掌握鏡片的基礎光學特性,對於駕駛汽車專用的鏡片及抗藍光鏡片能有更充分的了解並做出適合的選擇。關鍵字:抗藍光鏡片、駕車鏡片、光譜
However, long-term use of 3C products puts a heavy burden on the eyes of users.In the past, anti-ultraviolet ray is emphasized, because ultraviolet rays are extremely harmful to the cornea and lens. Currently, mobile devices use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as the backlight source, and the blue light energy is high, which affects the lens and cornea. The blue light can damage the macula, so blue light blocking becomes an important issue. Commercially available lenses are made with thin film coatings on the lenses to block part of the blue light, reducing the higher energy of blue light, and protect eyes.In this study, the light transmittance of commercially available lenses are measured by using a spectrometer. The respective transmittance values of the two wavelengths at 420nm and 450nm, as well as the value of the blue light blocking of the lens are calculated and analyzed. The lens specifications are:the refractive index is 1.6 and the diopter is-2.00 D, a total of 55 lenses are from 11 manufacturers. The lens manufacturers are denoted as brand A, B, D, E, G, H, L, O, P, S, Y, and Z.Brand A lenses (A-8) also have a significant reduction both at 420nm and 450nm. The blocking rate are 40% (420nm) and 6 % (450nm), respectively. The blocking rate of brand E(E-8) lenses are 51% (420nm) and 37% (450nm), respectively. The blocking rate of brand L(L-11) lenses are 58% (420nm) and 16% (450nm), respectively.The measurement and analysis of the spectrum of commercially available lenses, allowing the consumers to grasp the basic optical characteristics of the lenses when choosing lenses; so that the users can have a better understanding of the blue light blocking and driving lenses.Keywords:blue light blocking lens, driving lens, spectrum
中文摘要 .......... III
Abstract ............ IV
致謝 ................... V
目錄 .................. VI
圖目錄 ............. VII
表目錄 .............. IX
第一章 緒論 ...... 1
第一節 研究背景 ............................ 1
第二節 藍光傷害 .................. 2
第三節 濾藍光鏡片 ................. 3
第四節 光譜分析 .................... 5
第二章 研究動機及目的 ..................... 7
第三章 實驗方法 ........................ 8
第一節 市售鏡片統整 ............... 8
第二節 實驗裝置 .................. 9
第三節 實驗步驟與流程 ................ 12
第四章 實驗結果 ....................... 13
第一節 依功能性之光譜分析比較 .......... 14
第二節 依廠牌之光譜分析比較 .............. 44
第五章 討論 ................ 48
第六章 結論 ....................... 50
參考文獻 ..................... 51
附錄 .............. 53
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