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研究生英文姓名:HONG, SU-MIN
英文論文名稱:A Comparison of Pregnant Women and Gestational Diabetes Pregnancy with Psychological Stress and Social Support
英文關鍵字:psychological stress during pregnancysocial support
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At home and abroad, the incidence of gestational diabetes climbed, affecting maternal and fetal health drama. This article aims to explore the status and differences of psychological stress and social support in pregnant women and pregnant women with gestational diabetes. In this study, the study was designed to study the Changhua area of pregnant women and pregnant women with gestational diabetes, convenience sampling and using structured questionnaires to collect the psychological stress and social support degree of the subjects. The subject of study was: 20 years old or above, women who confirmed that they had been pregnant for more than 24 weeks, and were able to communicate with the Taiwanese language and agreed to participate in the researcher. Throughthe purposive sampling, the sample size that I acquired was 32 the general pregnant women and 28 gestational diabetes pregnant women. The study found that the most important stress of pregnant women is stress from altered physical appearance and function, while pregnant women with gestational diabetes are stress from maternal role identification. Also, in dealing with personal problems, pregnant women with gestational diabetes are more difficult to get advice from friends than women in general. Furthermore, physical discomfort during pregnancy may affect the psychological stress of pregnant women and the social support experience of pregnant women with gestational diabetes. It is recommended that a case management system for pregnant women be established to conduct a screening of psychosocial stress every three months during pregnancy, with a view to early detection of risks and assistance as one of the comprehensive care of women. Physiological discomfort during pregnancy is often considered as a result of pregnancy, ignoring its possible relationship with psychological stress or social support, this study found that the two groups of pregnant women common pregnancy discomfort symptoms are different, the corresponding stress performance is also a difference, can be in follow-up study.
第一章 緒論............1
第一節 研究背景及重要性.............1
第二節 研究目的.......3
第三節 研究問題........4
第四節 名詞定義.......5
第二章 文獻查證........6
第一節 妊娠糖尿病.....................................6
第二節 懷孕婦女之心理變化................................10
第三節 孕期心理壓力.................................11
第四節 孕期社會支持.........................12
第五節 影響孕期心理壓力與社會支持之因素................14
第一節 研究架構.......19
第二節 研究假設.......20
第三節 研究對象......21
第四節 研究工具......22
第五節 資料收集......26
第六節 倫理考量......27
第七節 資料分析........28
第一節 一般孕婦與妊娠糖尿病孕婦其基本資料之分佈情..........30
第二節 一般孕婦與妊娠糖尿病孕婦,於孕期心理壓力之現況......39
第三節 一般孕婦與妊娠糖尿病孕婦,於孕期社會支持之現況.......41
第四節 比較一般孕婦與妊娠糖尿病孕婦,其基本資料對孕期心理壓力之影響...............43
第五節 比較一般孕婦與妊娠糖尿病孕婦,其基本資料對孕期社會支持之影響...............78
第一節 研究樣本之基本資料.......................101
第二節 孕婦孕期心理壓力之探討..................106
第一節 結論.........106
第二節 建議.........107
第三節 研究限制......108
附錄一 專家效度名單..................................115
附錄二 個人基本資料調查表.......................116
附錄三 孕期心理壓力量表............................118
附錄四 孕期社會支持量表......................120
附錄五 研究倫理講習參加證明書..........................121
附錄六 問卷使用同意書................................124
附錄七 同意臨床試驗證明書..............................125
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